I ran across a very good blog on building a station. This chap built it from soup to nuts including the room, adding A/C, generator, two contesting operating positions and more. There are many good ideas in his station building series. Look here for more.
Posts published by “Tom”
I have been reading about JT-9 recently. It seems that since Joe Large has discontinued support for JT-65HF (due to health issues), JT9 is filling the bill. Has anyone tried JT9 yet? What about the new integration with JT-Alert? I think I will have to give it a try this week. I also fond out that JT-1 is the typical mode used on HF. You can also use JT9-30 which means each interaction sis 30 minutes. Surely, this cannot mean we transmit for 30 minutes at a time. That is…
When I got the Ten Tec Orion 2, I needed a real serial port. I thought this would be a good time to get one a 4 port USB – Serial converter. I opted for the Keyspan USA-49WG as I have had good luck with that brand on my Mac. It has worked mostly OK, but I do get random blue screens of death ( BSOD ). The crash dump reports the 49WG driver. I opened a ticket with Tripp Lite on 28 Dec 2012. I will report back on…
The ARRL Southeast Division Vice-Director presented this award at the 2012 Tampa Bay Hamfest in December. It now enjoys a coveted spot on my office wall. Thanks for everyone’s support and encouragement in writing and reviewing this article for me. Thanks also to everyone that voted for my article on the ARRL’s website.
I just got these back from Ron Baker in Tennessee. Ron took them apart and put them back together as well as cleaned them throughly. He repainted the cases too. He did a very nice job, they sound great.
I have an Icom DStar repeater that I support. While testing, I changed the default IP address of the Icom DStar controller from the default 172.*.*.* address. The question is how to find out what I changed it to? I have a non-routable class C address on my home network (192.168.1.*). I presumed I set it to something in that subnet. I tried nmap to so a ping scan with this command nmap -sP 192.168.1.* but that did not work. Note I did verify the Icom controller DOES respond to…
The rig is sold. I have an Icom 775 DSP (Serial #1185) for sale. The rig is in great shape, works flawlessly and has ALL optional filters except for the AM filter. Internal Antenna tuner, 200 watts output, built-in power supply. Dual-Watch complete with 2 VFO knobs for ease of listening to the receive side of a pile-up. I have the manual, but no microphone as I use a headset. I wil be taking to the Tampa Bay hamfest but I figured I would offer to fellow FCG’ers first.…
Going to a breakfast meeting of the Honolulu ARC tomorrow.
As many of you know, I have a Zero-Five 43′ vertical that I–in concert with the Alpha 9500–managed to set on fire. My 43 foot antenna works OK on 80m (good worldwide DX) and even decent range on 160m, but I have a terrible VSWR on 80 and 160. My Palstar and Ten Tec 238 manual tuner can handle it even at 1500, but rather than have such terrible losses in my 150 feet of coax, I decided it would be a fun project to build a remote-switched coil setup…