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Elecraft K4 Case

In preparation for a remote POTA and CQ WPX SSB outing, I wanted a case for my Elecraft K4D. After looking around for anyone that may have used a Pelican case, I stumbled upon a reference to Elecraft’s web site where they have a soft-side case for the K4. It comes with foam to surround the radio. As it is soft-side, it is not made to be checked but who would do that to a K4? This is one where the radio will be with you either in an overhead or in your trunk. This case is available for $150 direct from Elecraft via this link:

I took advantage of Elecraft’s free shipping when ordering from a hamfest as I ordered mine at the Orlando Hamcation.

Here are some pictures from when I packed up the K4 today for my upcoming trip to Crooked River State Park for the Greater Atlanta RISK Tournament.

Cutout for Connectors

Foam as received complete with cutouts in place for storage

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