In preparation for a remote POTA and CQ WPX SSB outing, I wanted a case for my Elecraft K4D. After looking around for anyone that may have used a Pelican case, I stumbled upon a reference to Elecraft’s web site where they have a soft-side case for the K4. It comes with foam to surround the radio. As it is soft-side, it is not made to be checked but who would do that to a K4? This is one where the radio will be with you either in an overhead or in your trunk. This case is available for $150 direct from Elecraft via this link:
I took advantage of Elecraft’s free shipping when ordering from a hamfest as I ordered mine at the Orlando Hamcation.
Here are some pictures from when I packed up the K4 today for my upcoming trip to Crooked River State Park for the Greater Atlanta RISK Tournament.

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